May 29Liked by Josephine Greenland

Strong of you to keep on writing! I'm just starting and kind of am dreading the whole self promotion thing, coming from a game market where video-game are horrible to promote. 1000 titles released every day, and you fight for the spotlight.

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Thank you Martin, yes one just has to push in and remember why one does it. Oh I imagine the video game marketing scene must be intense! Good luck on your writing journey! Yeah promotion is good to always keep an eye an, but of course focus on the craft goes first ☺️

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May 22Liked by Josephine Greenland

I found your comments about the necessity of self-promotion on social media especially interesting. As an artist there is the same expectation and it is something I feel very uneasy about but do understand that a connection with the writer/ artist is important. It is a tricky line to walk!

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Hi Deborah - oh it’s means so much to hear you could relate to my thoughts. Yes I can only imagine it is the same challenge for artists. Unfortunately it probably is a line we will always have to carefully balance on some level, but hopefully with progressively more confidence and understanding

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May 22Liked by Josephine Greenland

I certainly do. My frustration with the pressure to be a performer on Instagram led me here and am so glad it did. Lovely to discover you here!

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It’s seems like this is quite a friendly community of creative people - including yourself! Lovely to “meet” you here too :)

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May 23Liked by Josephine Greenland

it is a very different place and such a lovely sense of community.

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May 22Liked by Josephine Greenland

Hard going for you having your debut during lockdown. But congrats on having a debut published in your twenties, damn!

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Thanks for your words Ros - yes it was challenging and lonely, easy to get disheartened, but so important to keep going still. Haha yes I try to remind myself of that :P :)

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May 22Liked by Josephine Greenland

Congratulations on getting a book published!

A practical look behind the curtains,and your personal learnings, made for an interesting read.

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Thank you so much Caz! I’m glad you found the article interesting :)

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Thanks Josephine! I write nonfiction, but found this very relevant and interesting - glad Simon K. Jones shared it. Sounds like it was a positive event at Dragon's Hall, in terms of awareness of the importance of building an online presence as an author.

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Thank you for the comment Ann! I'm glad to hear you found it interesting, I imagine many of these take homes apply to non fiction as well. yes, the workshop in many ways expressed soem of the things that had mulled around in my head a bit f or a while. Particularly the difference between content that promotes your work versus that which builds commmunity (though of course, i'm sure the two can also meet sometimes). :)

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